Caffeine: Pros, Cons and Effects on Your Body

woman with coffeeCaffeine occurs naturally in some foods, but is it good for you? When it comes to fitness and physical performance, it goes beyond what’s inside the morning cup o’ joe for many athletes.

There have been numerous research studies that have produced a lot of different conclusions about caffeine. Let’s take a look at what it is, how it affects your body, and if you should indulge.

EAT HEALTHY in The XSport Life – How Tos Here

C is for Cool, Convenient Citrus

oranges and limesCitrus fruits are one of the most preferred tastes on the planet, so it’s no wonder so many cultures incorporate lemon, lime, orange and grapefruit into their recipes.

Besides all the flavor that citrus brings to liven up dishes, we find no shortage of health benefits, either. Take advantage of what citrus has to offer now, while it’s in season.

EAT HEALTHY in The XSport Life – How Tos Here

Asparagus Spears: Spring’s Secret Weapon is a Superfood

asparagusTake a look at asparagus and you’ll see why they call the stalks “spears.” Shaped like mini javelins, it’s a fun coincidence how a bunch of asparagus can fight off health risks.

Flavor: nutty and yummy. Texture: from crunchy to creamy, depending on how you cook it. Spring is the perfect time to try new things with this in-season superfood, asparagus!

EAT HEALTHY in The XSport Life – Recipe Here

A Seasonal Guide to the Greens of Spring

kaleYou might notice a trend at this time of year across produce aisles, cooking magazines and restaurant menus: things are greening up with plenty of little leafy plants all around.

That’s because the seasonal growth of lettuces, greens and other early plants, has begun. The greens of spring are the “baby” versions of nature’s healthiest veggies.

EAT HEALTHY in The XSport Life – How Tos Here

Healthy BBQ Treats for Your Summer Parties

people at a BBQ cook outSay hello to long weekends–the summertime BBQ season is upon us! It’s time to get ready for the party that will start summer off with a splash—and a healthy “yum,” if you do it right.

Beginning with Memorial Day, and carrying on through family reunions, graduations, the 4th of July, all the way to Labor Day, the right picnic and grill treats will make you a hit at every party.

EAT HEALTHY in The XSport Life – Recipe Here