Best Bets for Eating on the Road

happy family packing their carWhen you’re ready to set out on an adventure that will keep you in the car for hours at a time, you have a lot to prepare: the route, the activities…and what about the food?

A road trip is a summer favorite, but yours can jeopardize your health and fitness goals if you are stuck eating truck stop food and gas station snacks. We have an alternate plan.

EAT HEALTHY in The XSport Life – How Tos Here

Loving the Heart Healthy Diet: Part 1

heart made up of fruit and veggiesFebruary is American Heart Month, the perfect time to give yourself some “TLC” and take your cardiovascular health to heart. One simple step? Follow a heart-healthy diet.

You can minimize risks associated with cardiovascular disease (CVD), the leading cause of death and disability among U.S. adults, by making easy changes to your eating style.

EAT HEALTHY in The XSport Life – How Tos Here