Healthy BBQ Treats for Your Summer Parties

people at a BBQ cook outSay hello to long weekends–the summertime BBQ season is upon us! It’s time to get ready for the party that will start summer off with a splash—and a healthy “yum,” if you do it right.

Beginning with Memorial Day, and carrying on through family reunions, graduations, the 4th of July, all the way to Labor Day, the right picnic and grill treats will make you a hit at every party.

EAT HEALTHY in The XSport Life – Recipe Here

The Benefits of Your Mind-Body Connection

group of people doing yogaMost of us hear mind-body fitness (or, body-mind, depending on who you ask) and automatically connect it with practices like yoga, tai chi or Pilates. That’s a good start.

But there’s more to making that connection than focused, controlled floor work—like the benefits of putting “your mind into your muscle” during cardio and strength training.

BE FIT in The XSport Life – Learn how here

How to Say “No” at Work and at Home

stressed out woman covered in post-itsWhat happens when you are held captive in a conversation you’d rather not be in, or asked to do projects you really can’t handle? Do you ever have trouble saying “no?”

Most of us strive to be polite and helpful in general. That’s healthy, but good manners are not the same as selling your own self short to accommodate requests of others!

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