Myths and Truths About Counting Calories

notepad, pencil, tape measure and fruitFor some, the quest to lose weight becomes an ongoing struggle with counting calories and a lack of results. It’s frustrating to feel the scale is stuck, even when eating very little.

Fortunately, we know more these days about the truths and myths of calorie counting, so dieters don’t have to feel they must go hungry to stop this cycle from repeating!

EAT HEALTHY in The XSport Life – How Tos Here

Are Eggs a Perfect Fitness Food?

Fitness FoodAlready a muscle-building staple, the egg has been called one of nature’s most nutritious foods. You might have heard eggs are a great fitness food source of protein per calorie.

Though health researchers haven’t always agreed on the value of eggs versus their fat and cholesterol content, recent studies offer support for eating several eggs per week.

EAT HEALTHY in The XSport Life – Recipe Here

Lunchtime Makeovers for Healthy Eating Habits

Healthy Eating HabitsWhen we revamp our food intake to support healthy eating habits, many of us focus on the dinner meal, since it tends to be our biggest meal of the day. Or there’s breakfast—a way to rev up our bodies’ engines.

For healthy eating habits and overall wellness, we should be thinking about lunches, too. Here are simple ways to eat healthy and make over the classic quick meals at your desk or at the burger place down the street.

EAT HEALTHY in The XSport Life – Recipe Here

Annual Clean Eating Picnic and BBQ Guide

Clean EatingNicer weather is rolling around again and we can all look forward to spending more time outdoors, including family picnics, summer holiday parties and clean eating BBQs with friends!

With all this summertime fun, it can be tempting to dive into foods you wouldn’t normally indulge in for convenience sake. No need, with our three clean eating recipes.

EAT HEALTHY in The XSport Life – Recipe Here

Eat Smart for Weight Loss: Secrets of Get Fit Winners

Eat SmartWhether it be a lack of discipline, overeating, poor nutrition or simply the wrong balance of nutrients, the struggle to eat smart and adjust dietary habits is common among overweight people.

Eating smart is the key to weight loss—not to mention optimal health and fitness. So we asked our superstar roster of transformed XSport members what has worked for them.

EAT HEALTHY in The XSport Life – How Tos Here