At XSport, we believe fitness is more than just working out, it’s a way of life. We hope you enjoy our newsletter and find some helpful takeaways for staying healthy as you Eat Smart, Be Fit and Live Well in your XSport Life.

Simple Healthy Snacks for Busy Weekdays

Simple Healthy SnacksWhile a few snacks throughout your day can be a great idea, the quality of your selections makes all the difference—and the typical coffee and muffin can do more harm than good.

When your energy is falling, coffee (stimulant) with a sweet treat (sugar) gives you quick and boost, but is not the best fuel. Instead, balanced, simple healthy snacks with plenty of nutrients, mid-morning and mid-afternoon, will keep you energized and satisfied between meals—and that’s a boon to your diet.

EAT HEALTHY in The XSport Life – How Tos Here

What to Look for in a Protein Bar

man eating protein barYou’re on the go, you’re looking for protein, and something to chew on, too. When you need a nourishing snack that supports your strength training goals, a protein bar can make total sense.

Then again, not all bars are the same. Are you getting the right ratio of nutrients, not too much sugar, and what about the taste? Let’s review some key qualities to consider in protein bars.

EAT HEALTHY in The XSport Life – How Tos Here

Insanity – Should You Give it a Try?

people in insanity classPerhaps you’ve heard of the popular cardio-based, total-body conditioning program created by Shawn T. – it’s called “INSANITY” and it’s based on the principles of what he calls MAX training.

Most people who give Insanity a try feel it pushes them to new training heights, which can mean more calories burned, faster results and a more efficient metabolism. But is it for you?

BE FIT in The XSport Life – Learn how here

Facing Your Fears at the Gym

people at gymNo matter how dedicated you are to working out each week, there is likely to come a point when you reach a plateau or lose your steam. It’s the perfect time to try something new…

…if you can work up the confidence to venture into new territory at the gym. When you want to push forward with fitness, you might have to face your fears. Here are some fun ways to do it!

LIVE WELL in The XSport Life – Start here

Should You Ever Do as Many Reps as Possible?

man doing pushupsMaybe you’ve heard of “training to failure,” which requires you to perform a movement until you literally can’t anymore. Note: it’s not for beginners, and it’s not necessary for great results.

But there are other approaches to “as many reps as possible,” or AMRAP, which could be a great way for you to change up your workouts, break through plateaus and reach new goals.

BE FIT in The XSport Life – Learn how here

Did You Take Your Vitamin Today?

woman taking vitaminMany people have a tough time consuming the recommended amounts of fruits and vegetables each day. Even when striving for a healthy diet, getting in 5 – 8 servings takes some dedication.

While natural dietary choices are the ideal, one simple practice that can serve as a failsafe is a daily multivitamin—not as a substitute, but a supplement, to support your fitness goals.

EAT HEALTHY in The XSport Life – How Tos Here