3 Easy Ways to Monitor Your Heart Rate

Man checks his heart rateWhether you’re new to exercise or a super-fit athlete in training, it’s best if you understand how your cardiovascular system is handling your workout routine.

Knowing if you’re working too hard or not enough isn’t always an exact science, but one way to help determine this is monitoring your heart rate, or rate of exertion.

BE FIT in The XSport Life – Learn how here

The Roots of the Season – Winter Veggie Recipe

roast root vegetablesWhile most people don’t have root cellars these days, storing hearty winter vegetables in a cool space is still a good idea—root veggies will keep for a long time in the fridge or basement, and they’re in season!

The benefits of root vegetables goes beyond their heartiness and low cost. They bring plenty of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients to your plate, and they taste delicious in a variety of recipes.

EAT HEALTHY in The XSport Life – Recipe Here

The Quicker Winter Kitchen – Hot, Healthy Meals, Fast

woman in kitchenOne big reason many people are derailed from weight loss and fitness goals involves eating right… eating the right amount of the right foods at the right times takes work.

Plus, it takes time, and a bit of skill, too. Since eating well requires fresh ingredients and cooking meals, it can be tough in a busy winter life. Batch cooking to the rescue—fast!

EAT HEALTHY in The XSport Life – How Tos Here

Keep your Eyes on the Thighs

woman doing lungeWe have a lot of mixed feelings about our thighs. Men might not pay much attention to them compared to chests and arms. Women often find thighs to be their trouble spot.

Are they big enough, thin enough, sculpted enough or smooth enough? If you’re not feeling pride in your thighs, the time has come to give them some positive attention.

BE FIT in The XSport Life – Learn how here

Get Stronger with 3-Dimensional Exercise

man and woman with medicine ballWhen you’re new to the gym, it’s best to master the basics first. Learn the standard elements of strength training, and build your form, agility and balance to keep you safe.

After you’ve gotten the basics down, it’s time to look for more complex movements, not only to challenge you, but to maximize your results. Think multi-dimensional—here’s how.

BE FIT in The XSport Life – Learn how here